Friday, March 11, 2011

i'd love a locket

my darling mum told me to buy something beautiful to wear as my birthday gift from her.
i've been loving these verabel lockets for ages!
(ever since i spotted them on my daily read a cup of jo)
but now the problem is i like 3 of them.
help me choose one...

yay. i've ordered number 1. just waiting for mr postman now...


  1. this is very difficult... hmmmm... maybe number 1? but i do like 2 and 3 also... sorry honey, i can't decide either!

    Love Mel

  2. Hmmm... the origami one might remind you to work on no. 28 on your 30 before 30 list. I'm going to vote number 3!

  3. Haha, oops. Thank should be Emma B :-P

  4. my pick would be number 3. bit steely and grey. let us know what you decided babe! x

  5. Verabel lockets are delightful.
    I bought this one last year:
    The one you mentioned seeing on A Cup of Jo
    and number one reminds me so much of it.

    So definitely number one :)
